
Entrepreneurship and Innovation

2 år
Støttet av lånekassen
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2 år
Støttet av lånekassen
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Entrepreneurship and Innovation

This programme is designed to provide you with entrepreneurial skills and an entrepreneurial mindset. This type of competence can enable you to start and develop your own business, help smaller companies grow and scale-up faster, and contribute to restructuring and innovation in existing businesses.You will learn how to discover new opportunities, evaluate them in close dialogue with the environment, market, and customers, and implement new solutions or business areas. An important part of the programme is to learn about handling uncertainty and risk, and developing the skills necessary to quickly identify opportunities, test solutions, and adapt them to customer needs. Implementation and cooperation skills will also be key learning outcomes.The programme will cover the following parts of the entrepreneurial process:Start-up: Development is about the actual process of starting and growing a new business. Knowledge and tools related to the entrepreneurial process, including leadership, market segmentation, business modelling and funding, are central to the successful development of profitable new companies. Explore models and tools for developing start-up companies and developing a convincing business plan.Scale up: Gain valuable insight into the phases, challenges, and opportunities that businesses need to address when growing and becoming sustainable and profitable. You will be well prepared to handle these real-world challenges when further pursuing a career within entrepreneurship and innovation.Corporate innovation: Examine how the innovation process changes when businesses reach the scale and size of large corporations. You will gain insight on the foundations of innovation, understanding how to gain corporate support for innovation efforts and corporate ventures.

Kommende startdatoer

1 tilgjengelig startdato


  • Klasserom
  • Oslo
Handelshøyskolen BI
Nydalsveien 37
0484 Oslo

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