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Project management of Complex Systems (master level)

Støttet av lånekassen
Støttet av lånekassen

Project management of Complex Systems (master level)

We will present you with tools and techniques useful for the effective management of systems engineering projects.

Target group

This course is aimed at employees or personnel who are laid off or unemployed in the oil-, gas- or supplier industry. In the admission process, the University will need to collect information about the students’ industry affiliation, the latest employer, and labor market status. Kompetanse Norge will have access to the information provided upon registration.

The content of this course is addressed to practitioners who wish to reinforce their education and extract the best from their experience.

The target group for this course is engineers and managers in supplier, service, and operation organizations who want to gain a better understanding of complex systems.

What is  Project management of Complex Systems?

The course is based on established and well proven methods and systems applied for management of complex systems and environments with rapid changes. Changes comes in technology, supply chains, organizations, and stakeholders. Successful projects require profound understanding of complexity, not only in systems but also in humans.

The course will be a combination of lectures, assignments, discussions and time for reflections. Project management aspects will be outlined in various projections like project types, phases, organization, and pitfalls. Various examples and experiences will be used to give the students a theoretical understanding of how to use tools, methods, and systems in a practical way. 

The course touches basic project management tools and methods, providing references. However, it will not lecture in detail, as such training is available through standard courses electronically or in classrooms.  


  • Definition of framework for and type of project
  • Project organization, work breakdown structure, and start-up
  • Systems Engineering Management Plan
  • Communication
  • Quality culture and culture for making profit
  • Planning
  • Budgeting
  • Follow up and change management
  • Risk management
  • Supply chain management

Why take this course?

You should take this course if you want to prepare yourselves for upcoming complex projects, and to gain management competency.

What you will learn will be valid in your work life for many years and will provide you a good foundation for further development.

Who should take the course?

The course is relevant for all levels of value chains. It is relevant for potential project managers, but also for resources responsible for sales and marketing as well as procurement of complex systems.


Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge
Hasbergsvei 36
3616 Kongsberg

USN – Et av landets nyeste universiteter

Den 4. mai 2018 ble Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge (HSN) til Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge (USN). Dette gjør dem til et av Norges nyeste universiteter, og det fjerde største av Norges ti universiteter.  USN tilbyr profesjonsorientert og arbeidslivsrettet utdanning, forskning og kunnskapsformidling med...

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