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Education (master's 2-years)

2 years
Støttet av lånekassen
2 years
Støttet av lånekassen

Education (master's 2-years)


               Why choose this programme?       


Do you want to learn more about higher education policy and student learning? Are you curious about how children and youth experience and shape social change? The international Master’s in Education offers two specialisations; one with a focus on higher education and the other on education and social change. All courses are in English.


Photo: Shane Colvin/UiO


About the programme

Our international Master’s programme offers you a unique opportunity to acquire advanced academic skills, competences and knowledge in two areas of specialisation:

  • Education and Social Change: Childhood and Youth studies (ESCY) - ties together the concepts ‘Education’, ‘Social Change’, ‘Childhood’ and ‘Youth’.
  • Higher Education studies (HES) - focuses on higher education as the main institutionalised domain in any society where the two primary knowledge processes of education and research come together.

The Master’s in Education at the University of Oslo (UiO) is the only research-oriented master’s programme that combines these two specialisation areas.

The programme provides a highly interactive and supportive learning environment, where the academic staff and students work closely together in various learning environments. The programme starts with a joint course that introduces all students to the specific features of Norwegian education in its Nordic context, after which you continue with the specialisation that you have selected. All courses are in English.

The University of Oslo hosts one of the leading Faculties of Educational Sciences in Europe, and research is the cornerstone of the University’s ongoing development as an educational institution of high international standing.

Study environment  

There are numerous student societies, which all University of Oslo students may join.

If you have an interest in writing, you can write for Pedagogisk Profil, which is a student-driven magazine. You can also contribute to the study environment by joining Kjellerutvalget – the organisation responsible for the Faculty's student pub, or you can get involved with the UV – Student Union and be a representative of the students at the faculty.

Further studies and career opportunities

The career options for the programme’s graduates are plentiful, both within and outside education sectors, national as well as international. These include careers in academia, in the private sector such as consultancy firms, but also in the public sector, including national ministries and international organisations.

As a graduate, you are eligible to apply to PhD programmes in Norway and elsewhere.

You can find more information about further studies and career opportunities on our website. We have also interviewed some of our alumni on what they have been doing after graduating from the University of Oslo.

Universitetet i Oslo
Problemveien 7
0313 Oslo

Universitetet i Oslo – Norges største universitet

Universitetet i Oslo, UiO, ble grunnlagt i 1811 og er Norges største og mest tradisjonsrike institusjon for høyere utdanning. Skolen har ca. 30 000 studenter og 7000 ansatte. UiO har åtte fakulteter, som alle tilbyr både enkeltemner, årsenheter, bachelorprogrammer, masterprogrammer...

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