
Master of Science in Informatics

NTNU, i Trondheim
2 år
Støttet av lånekassen
2 år
Støttet av lånekassen

Master of Science in Informatics

This is the programme of study for those who would like to continue studying informatics after having taken a bachelor’s degree. A master’s degree in informatics will provide you with skills and research competence that will enable you to solve new and complex challenges caused by the technological development. 

You will acquire scientific competence within one of the following disciplines:

You will acquire academic competence and be able to work independently on theoretical and practical problems by using modern and advanced technology.

With a master’s degree in informatics, you will be qualified for the new working life. Most students secure jobs before they have completed their master’s thesis. Usually, graduates start their working life as developers, frequently followed by jobs as project managers or heads of development groups. General positions in systems design and method development are also common.

7491 Trondheim

Ved NTNU – Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet skapes kunnskap for en bedre verden og løsninger som kan forandre hverdagen. NTNU er et internasjonalt orientert universitet med hovedsete i Trondheim og campuser i Ålesund og Gjøvik. NTNU har en teknisk-naturvitenskapelig hovedprofil, en rekke...

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