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Stipends and student loans - Forum

18.03.2013 15:43   Yva Jacob Sandvik

Hei / Hello,

I am in the process of considering my course of education for the 2 last years of Videregående. My background is as follows: My entire education from first to ninth grade has been in Norway, Oppegård, Oslo, Vassbonn and Ingieråsen skole. After ninth grade I repeated my ninth grade In India in an English medium school, because my mother transferred. In my summer holidays I returned to Norway and finished my tenth grade examinations to get my ungdomsskole certificate.

Now I have just finished the Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) from India, Mallya Aditi International School (MAIS) in Bangalore. This was a two year course (ninth and tenth, equivalent to tenth and eleventh in Norway). This is a Cambridge curriculum, in english medium, called an IGCSE certificate that is recognized across the world, which I will be receiving now. I would like to continue my education with the Cambridge program, after IGCSE called AICE (Advanced International Certificate of Education). AICE is divided up into two levels AS level and A levels. This is recognized by all Ivy league and premium universities around the world. (I am pasting a comprehensive document about the AICE below for your perusal)

My question to you is: I am a Norwegian citizen, and I have lived and studied here all my life except for the last 2 as of now and (maybe 4 years if I continue with my eleventh and twelfth in India with AICE). If I were to do this would I be eligible for stipends and student loans for my university education form the Norwegian state? Having completed IGCSE, which is an International Cambridge curriculum, in English medium, I wish to pursue AICE as it will further deepen my cross cultural exposure, and complete my Cambridge program. Yet I cannot jeopardize my ability to go to the best universities I can get admission to if I am unable to get financial support from the N state.

I would really appreciate any information you can help me with in my quandary of whether I have to study in Norway for 2 years again, in order to be eligible for stipend and student loan or is my background and circumstance sufficient to avail of it for my University after 12th (vgs).

Thanks and regards MVH Yva Jacob Sandvik

PS- I speak, read and write Norsk fluently but just wished to show you how far my English has come with the last 2 years and therefore expressed myself in English.