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System Modelling and Analysis

1 semester
Støttet av lånekassen
1 semester
Støttet av lånekassen

System Modelling and Analysis

What is System Modelling and Analysis?

The objective of this course (SEMA 6202) is to provide means to model the system, the design of the system, the usage context and the system life cycle in such a way that decisions are supported quantitatively.

The course is based on the extended CAFCR framework. The CAFCR model is a decomposition of an architecture description into five views:

The Customers objective view (what does the customer want to achieve)

The Application view (how does the customer realize his goals) captures the needs of the customer.

The what and how customers view provide the justification (why) for the specification and the design.

The Functional view describes the what of the product, which includes (despite its name) the non-functional requirements.

The how of the product is described in the Conceptual and Realization views.

The CAFCR model is extended with the life cycle context with all creation and product life cycle considerations.

Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge
Hasbergsvei 36
3616 Kongsberg

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