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Physics - Master's Programme

NTNU, i Trondheim
2 år
Støttet av lånekassen
2 år
Støttet av lånekassen

Physics - Master's Programme

Om studiet

Do you wish to dive into an area of physics and work independently with a thesis in a specialization you think is exciting? Our Master’s degree programme will provide you with this opportunity, and we can offer theses in several fields of study.In physics we try to reveal the secrets of nature, from the microcosm of elementary particles to the macrocosm of astrophysics. Between these two extremes there is a wealth of subjects, ranging from biophysics at cellular level and medical research to the development of new understanding in fields such as nanotechnology and climate. At present, these and many other areas are advancing in fascinating ways that you get to dvelve into when you study physics with us.

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