Management of Innovation and Sustainable Business Development - Master's Programme
Om studiet
Would you like to explore how you can change tomorrow’s society through innovation processes and sustainable business devleopment? Then this is the perfect programme of study for you. A Master of Management of Innovation and Sustainable Business Development will expand your business expertise with a combination of courses in innovation, entrepreneruship, susianability and change management. Apply today and join our first cohort of change agents in our new MSc program.
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NTNU – Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet
NTNU er eit internasjonalt orientert universitet med hovudsete i Trondheim og campusar i Gjøvik og Ålesund. NTNU har teknisk-naturvitskapleg hovudprofil, ei rekkje profesjonsutdanningar og ei stor fagleg breidd som også inkluderer humaniora, samfunnsvitskap, økonomi, medisin, helsevitskap, utdanningsvitskap, arkitektur, entreprenørskap, kunstfag...