International Business and Marketing - Master's Programme
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Are you interested in the intricacies of international business? Are you curious about how customer-focused innovation and entrepreneurship lead to new business models and start-ups? Do you see the need for digital skills in working in either of these areas? Is sustainability in business important to you? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then the MSc in International Business and Marketing (“Siviløkonom”) program at NTNU in Ålesund may be for you.
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NTNU – Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet
NTNU er eit internasjonalt orientert universitet med hovudsete i Trondheim og campusar i Gjøvik og Ålesund. NTNU har teknisk-naturvitskapleg hovudprofil, ei rekkje profesjonsutdanningar og ei stor fagleg breidd som også inkluderer humaniora, samfunnsvitskap, økonomi, medisin, helsevitskap, utdanningsvitskap, arkitektur, entreprenørskap, kunstfag...