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Fine Art - Master's Programme

NTNU, i Trondheim
2 år
Støttet av lånekassen
2 år
Støttet av lånekassen

Fine Art - Master's Programme

Om studiet

The MFA at Trondheim Academy of Fine Art (KiT) is a two-year research and studio based study programme.There is a particular focus on understanding of the potential of art in its interaction with diverse public spheres. It emphasizes experimentation and multi-disciplinary approaches: students are offered the possibility to work within a wide range of media and diverse fields of knowledge. Projects evolve through stages of conceptual and material development towards formal and informal presentation and critical, constructive debate. There are opportunities. for public presentations through self-organization as well as through the program connecting to well established cooperations within Trondheim.To develop new roles for artists in society is a central goal of the program. We enable the student to contextualize their work and develop a professional artistic profile.

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