European Studies - Master's Programme
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Join Our Master’s Programme in European Studies! The Master’s programme in European Studies offers students comprehensive insights into the various forms and levels of European integration and cooperation, exploring their origins and their impact on governance and democracy in Europe. A key focus of the programme is Norway’s unique relationship with the European Union (EU) through its participation in the European Economic Area (EEA) and the European Free Trade Area (EFTA).This MA programme equips students with advanced research and analytical skills, essential for both in preparation for writing the thesis and in analysing EU policies and processes. The programme prepares you for various career opportunities in Norway, the EEA, and beyond.
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NTNU – Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet
NTNU er eit internasjonalt orientert universitet med hovudsete i Trondheim og campusar i Gjøvik og Ålesund. NTNU har teknisk-naturvitskapleg hovudprofil, ei rekkje profesjonsutdanningar og ei stor fagleg breidd som også inkluderer humaniora, samfunnsvitskap, økonomi, medisin, helsevitskap, utdanningsvitskap, arkitektur, entreprenørskap, kunstfag...