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Specialisation in Management Control

2 år
Neste startdato
september 2025 Se detaljer
Søknadsfrist: January-September 2025
2 år
Neste startdato
september 2025 Se detaljer
Søknadsfrist: January-September 2025

Specialisation in Management Control

Specialisation in Management Control

To practise the best possible management, take the best possible decisions and increase the value creation in your company require both accounting and analytic skills.

Combined with knowledge of strategic analysis, competitive scenarios, leadership, and societal development, the study equips you with the understanding of how to analyse and comprehend value creation in businesses, and how to contribute to enhanced sustainable value creation through decisions, governance, and leadership.

An EMBA with a specialisation in management control provides you with the comprehensive competence required to excel as a leader. Throughout your studies, you will also work with specific problems related to your own business.

The study offers you:

  • Research-based knowledge spanning a broad spectrum of strategy, economics, and management subjects, emphasising key developmental trends in sustainability, technology, and globalisation.
  • Proficient analytical skills in areas such as strategic analysis, profitability analysis, accounting analysis, investment analysis, valuation, and more.
  • Up-to-date knowledge on how various management tools can be strategically utilised to enhance a company's value creation, considering new technological opportunities and challenges.
  • Proficiency in applying theories and tools by addressing real-world business issues.
  • Methodological knowledge and skills to initiate and conduct an independent research project.
  • Opportunities to establish networks for learning and development, both within and outside the educational setting.

Target group

The specialisation targets both people with management experience and people with ambitions to become managers. The specialisation attracts participants from a wide range of industries both in the private and the public sector. Your outcome will be a wide-ranging skill set for working as an advisor, middle manager, top executive, or board chairman/member in private industry and public administration.

Kommende startdatoer

1 tilgjengelig startdato

september 2025

  • Klasserom
  • Bergen
  • Søknadsfrist: January-September 2025

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