Major in Strategy
Major in Strategy (Master of Science in Business Major in Strategy)
Customise your Master of Science in Business degree by choosing a major in Strategy.
What will you learn?
The strategic insight you will acquire through this major will enable you to understand industry and market conditions, learn about appropriate strategic decisions, and learn how to implement these decisions in a firm. You will learn the analytical skills needed to make complex business decisions, and how to maintain an action-oriented perspective of firms' strategic processes. Additionally, you will gain the contextual understanding necessary to become a strategist in a rapidly evolving and increasingly global business environment.
Student perspective
MSc in Business with a major in Strategy Class of 2017 student, Rodica Burlacu, gives insight into her thought process when she chose her graduate programme at BI. Rodica then continues by talking about the ways the major has enabled her to have a vast range of industries to choose from for establishing her career.
Faculty Perspective
Associate Professor and Coordinator for the major in Strategy, Erik Aadland, explains in this video how the major helps students to gain competitive knowledge that will help them stand out in the marketplace of the future.
Industry Perspective
Jørgen Hansen Juvik, Management Consultant at EY and BI alumnus, elaborates on three main benefits he sees from taking an MSc in Business with a major in Strategy. Furthermore, he gives practical examples of how the degree has given him the chance to excel in his career.
Kommende startdatoer
All other Master of Science programmes
Determined by citizenship NOK EUR* USD* Domestic 122 800 10 270 11 190 International – EU/EEA/Switzerland 122 800 10 270 11 190 International – outside EU/EEA/Switzerland 159 700 13 360 14 560
International citizens who are residents of Norway may qualify for domestic tuition fees. Read more to determine if you are eligible and how to apply.
*Exchange rates as of November 2024. Amounts given are approximate and are subject to currency changes.
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