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Major in Marketing

2 år
Støttet av lånekassen
Neste startdato
Høst 2025 Se detaljer
2 år
Støttet av lånekassen
Neste startdato
Høst 2025 Se detaljer

Major in Marketing

Major in Marketing (Master of Science in Business)

Customise your Master of Science in Business degree by choosing a major in Marketing.

What will you learn?

Strong analytical skills combined with an understanding of the customer are valuable assets to any organisation, from start-ups to global giants. The strategic marketing insight that you will acquire with this major will enable you to deeply understand the business environment, including markets, customers, and competitors. You will also be equipped to translate this insight into actionable implications for the organisation, ranging from market data analysis, through product design, pricing and branding, to competitive analysis and financial consequences.

Why choose this major?

Engaging learning experiences and quality teaching are something we strive to provide, to help you build a solid skill and competency base, making you relevant for the future of work. In the video below, you will get the perspectives of our students, faculty, and the industry to understand the reasons for choosing to major in Marketing at BI.

Kommende startdatoer

1 tilgjengelig startdato

Høst 2025

  • Klasserom
  • Oslo

Videre studier/jobbmuligheter

Career Possibilities

The Master of Science in Business major in Marketing will open the door to career paths in a range of businesses and organisations. Opportunities include positions such as the following:

  • Marketing Coordinator
  • Communication Advisor
  • Market Analyst
  • PR Manager
  • Brand Manager

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Handelshøyskolen BI
Nydalsveien 37
0484 Oslo

Handelshøyskolen BI

BI er Norges eneste trippel-akkrediterte handelshøyskole. Et vitnemål fra BI gir deg derfor tyngden du trenger til å jobbe med det du vil. I dagens arbeidsmarked er det mange om beinet. Arbeidsgiverne vil ha de beste kandidatene fra de beste...

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