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Major in Economics

2 år
Støttet av lånekassen
Neste startdato
Høst 2025 Se detaljer
2 år
Støttet av lånekassen
Neste startdato
Høst 2025 Se detaljer

Major in Economics

Major in Economics (Master of Science in Business)

Customise your Master of Science in Business degree by choosing a major in Economics.

What will you learn?

The Economics major provides a rigorous academic programme if you want to pursue a career within business, including economics consulting and data analysis, as well as macro-analyst positions and central banking. It focuses on developing strong analytical skills and a broad set of quantitative techniques to analyse data and simulate economic models. You will learn a framework for analysis that can be applied to a great variety of areas, ranging from international trade, inflation and business cycles, to firm competition and strategic behaviour. 

You will learn about the optimal choices and strategic decisions of individuals and firms, and how they respond to incentives like bonuses, taxes, and competition. In Macroeconomics, the focus is on business cycles, inflation, economic growth, and how monetary and fiscal policy affect the economy. The emphasis on analytical and quantitative skills enables you to understand, use and produce statistically based arguments.

Kommende startdatoer

1 tilgjengelig startdato

Høst 2025

  • Klasserom
  • Oslo

Videre studier/jobbmuligheter

Career Possibilities

The Master of Science in Business major in Economics is a versatile programme that opens the door to a wide array of career paths. The degree offers exciting opportunities, including these: 

  • Corporate Economist: As a graduate of BI, you'll have the tools to excel in the corporate world. You'll be adept at analyzing market trends, evaluating economic issues, and guiding resource allocation. Your expertise will be crucial in helping companies understand consumer demand and develop corporate strategies. 
  • Management Consultant: This role demands a robust understanding of economic principles and business operations. You'll advise companies on enhancing efficiency, boosting profits, and structuring their operations more effectively. 
  • Data Analyst/Scientist: In today's data-driven world, your skills in statistical analysis and economics place you in a prime position. You'll interpret complex data to inform business strategies and policy decisions, a skill increasingly valued across industries. 
  • International Organizations and NGOs: Your expertise in economics will be an asset in organizations like the UN or the World Bank, as well as in various NGOs. Here, you'll tackle economic issues related to sustainable development and policymaking on an international scale. 
  • Policy Analyst: With a deep understanding of economic theories and models, you'll be well-equipped to develop and assess public policies. Whether working in government agencies or think tanks, you'll analyze data, forecast economic trends, and shape policy. 
  • Academia: For those inclined towards a career in research and education, pursuing a PhD in economics can lead to fulfilling roles in teaching and scholarly research at universities and colleges. 

Studiefakta, Tittel m.m

Why choose this major?

Engaging learning experiences and quality teaching are something we strive to provide, to help you build a solid skill and competency base, making you relevant for the future of work. In the video below, you will get the perspectives of our students, faculty, and the industry to understand the reasons for choosing to major in Economics at BI.

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0484 Oslo

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